-MANHATTAN BEACH ART CENTER -  “Mare Vitalis” with artists Alex Weinstein and Marlene Yamada - Show runs now through March 2020. Show presented by the Cultural Arts Division of The City of Manhattan Beach

- MANHATTAN VILLAGE MALL - 2020 Sign and Group Show at Apple Store entrance - rotating installation with South Bay Artist Collective

ARCLIGHT THEATERS (Beach Cities) - with artist Emily Brantley - show runs now through May 2020

-RESIN GALLERY -  always rotating pieces in group shows - 618 Cypress Ave, Hermosa Beach (Member of the Hermosa Beach Arts Collective)

-Kelsey Michaels Fine Art Gallery - various pieces in gallery



2020 - January 17th 6-9pm “MARE VITALIS” at The Manhattan Beach Art Center at 1560 Manhattan Beach Blvd. (show runs - March 2020

2019 - December 7th 5-9pm “SUPER RAD” at Resin Gallery in Hermosa Beach with artist Blakeley Hunter

2019 - February 9th-16th RESIN GALLERY - Opening night Feb. 9th 4-6pm (Sponsored by SouthBay Magazine)

2018 - March 13th 6-8pm, Solo show at Suite 6 / Two Guns Coffee in Manhattan Beach

2017 - November 4th,  Zane Gallery Grand Opening - Laguna Beach Art Walk (First Thursdays)

2017 - October 20, 21st Fine Art Festival in Hermosa Beach

2017 - September 2nd - 9th2017 - Resin : The Intersection of Art and Surf - 618 Cypress Ave, Hermosa Beach (Hermosa Beach Arts Collective)

2017 - "Abstract AbOriginal Tribe" and "Abstract Manhattan Beach, Looking South"  at OAKWOOD DRIVE in the Manhattan Village Mall, Manhattan Beach

2016 - "Royals and Urban Figures" series - Art Installation at Doma Kitchen restaurant in Manhattan Beach, Manhattan Village Mall

Summer 2016 - El Segundo Art Walk, for detail go to:  http://elsegundoartwalk.com/

2016 -Manhattan Beach Abstract Series: Shanna Shryne Design in Hermosa Beachhttp://www.shannashryne.com

June 18th, 2016 from 12pm-4pm at Rejuvenation at The Helms Bakery - 8780 Venice Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90034

December 1st  2016 at Rejuvenation Los Angeles at the Helms Bakery - details to follow...